recognize thought as thought.
don't take it seriously.
ending of thought,
no thought,
old thoughts,
new thoughts.
"yes, but this is how it is"
it's not how it is,
it's just a thought about it,
one of many many possible perspectives.
tiny perspectives.
this one is true,
and another one is also true.
one thought can not hold an entire truth.
the creep is also a saint,
maybe it hasn't been seen,
but it's there.
some silly thought
is just a thought.
inspired by the power of now.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
based on the teaching that: suffering does not arise from loneliness but from fear of loneliness.
I am alone is a fact.
I am lonely is a story.
feeling of lack.
what will the world do to me?
what will the world think of me?
monstrous figure in my dreams,
when I run away from it.
but face it completely,
and a shift happens.
you go beyond,
let the scenery change.
easier said than done, I know, but I wanted to put this out there. if we have something ahead to shoot for, we might be less preocupied with the current life situation.
I am alone is a fact.
I am lonely is a story.
feeling of lack.
what will the world do to me?
what will the world think of me?
monstrous figure in my dreams,
when I run away from it.
but face it completely,
and a shift happens.
you go beyond,
let the scenery change.
easier said than done, I know, but I wanted to put this out there. if we have something ahead to shoot for, we might be less preocupied with the current life situation.
Monday, November 19, 2007
To go back there...
Few drinks to slow down the mind.
Certain drugs to free you.
Moments of sex to slow it some more.
Some hours of tv.
To numb the mind
And the mind is back.
Where am I now:
below thought,
like a plant,
or an animal,
in harmony.
We all do it,
But this is not a human’s path.
I have very abrupt endings I know.
Inspired by "the power of Now"
Certain drugs to free you.
Moments of sex to slow it some more.
Some hours of tv.
To numb the mind
And the mind is back.
Where am I now:
below thought,
like a plant,
or an animal,
in harmony.
We all do it,
But this is not a human’s path.
I have very abrupt endings I know.
Inspired by "the power of Now"
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sartre said: Hell is other poeple... (les outre)
The ego believes this phrase.
Hell is other people more often than not.
Even people who give you heaven, give you hell after sometime.
Our expectations can not be fullfilled.
So, what to do... as always ... we find out we can't rely on other people, so we are frustrated. Some people reach despair, thinking it's all so pointless. then you reach the state of sarcasm and bitterness and resentment. Life hasn't played its part. this deep belief of the world is preventing me from being myself, sets in. You believe Everyone is an obsticle to being myself.
Absurd. Absurd. Absurd.
Some will weep and wail until the very end. please let there be a different way.
the lesson: there is an undestructible part of us. no matter the mess we have made of our life. The undestructible part of us, is not touched by any of the mess. The original essence is there. It can be discovered. Some call it grace, the redeeming factor of life. some get there from suffering and some get there from teachings such as this one.
There is so much pain to come out first. I hope to not run out of time.
Inspired by "the Power of Now".
The ego believes this phrase.
Hell is other people more often than not.
Even people who give you heaven, give you hell after sometime.
Our expectations can not be fullfilled.
So, what to do... as always ... we find out we can't rely on other people, so we are frustrated. Some people reach despair, thinking it's all so pointless. then you reach the state of sarcasm and bitterness and resentment. Life hasn't played its part. this deep belief of the world is preventing me from being myself, sets in. You believe Everyone is an obsticle to being myself.
Absurd. Absurd. Absurd.
Some will weep and wail until the very end. please let there be a different way.
the lesson: there is an undestructible part of us. no matter the mess we have made of our life. The undestructible part of us, is not touched by any of the mess. The original essence is there. It can be discovered. Some call it grace, the redeeming factor of life. some get there from suffering and some get there from teachings such as this one.
There is so much pain to come out first. I hope to not run out of time.
Inspired by "the Power of Now".
Monday, November 12, 2007
Lost in one dimension: thought
this rusty attempt at a poem is inspired by reading "the Power of now".
me me me,
defending me,
completing me,
continuous seeking,
continuous conflict.
obessed by things,
filled up with things,
posessed by things,
in the grip of thoughts.
my attention is needed,
things need to be dealt with,
but deal with one thing here,
three more pop up there.
not alone for long,
not relaxed for long,
succesful one day,
miserable the next.
me me me,
defending me,
completing me,
continuous seeking,
continuous conflict.
obessed by things,
filled up with things,
posessed by things,
in the grip of thoughts.
my attention is needed,
things need to be dealt with,
but deal with one thing here,
three more pop up there.
not alone for long,
not relaxed for long,
succesful one day,
miserable the next.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Pyetsori, koh na mori.
Ja dhe pergjijget e mia te gjaaaata.
1. Ngjyra e syve? – kafe me jeshil. sy mo.
2. Makina e preferuar? - volvo cross country. me pelqen forma.
3. Me të mëngjrën a me të djathtën? - me te djathten bej me shume pune.
4. Këpucët që veshe sot? – cizme shiu, prej rrobe, leckamane.
5. Frika? - po mundohem ti reduktoj, se lista eshte e gjate, edhe nuk jane gjera te kendshme.
6. Qëllimi që do donit të arrinit këtë vit? – te behet me dokumenta partneri.
7. Mendimi i parë në mëngjes? – edhe pese minuta gjum.
8. Koha e gjumit? – varet
9. Pepsi apo Koka? – uje mix me crystal light puder (caj)
10. E dalë në grup apo dyshe? – e drejta, kur dal me shqiptare preferoj sa me pak njerez, se flasin te gjith njehershi, dhe e kam bezdi :) ne fakt kam shume gjera bezdi. po mundohem ti reduktoj.
11. Çokollatë apo vanilje? - cokollate, ketu mund te shkruaj gjate. Lindt ma gjen midene.
12. Tymos? – jo, tymos partneri sa per te dy. e kam bezdi edhe kete :)
13. Këndon? – po, (belle, mos u cudit) kendoj, dhe kur degjoj zerin tim eshte si sinjal qe duhet te ndez radion per muzike. vete nuk e kenaq veten me tingujt qe prodhoj :)
14. Ke rënë në dashuri? – poooo disa here, por nuk dua te jem ne maj te dallges se gremisem, preferoj me kembet ngulur ne toke.
15. Do të martohesh një ditë? – do doja, kam qene kondra, por keto koh nuk me tremb martesa, them se me personin qe kam ne krah, do shkonim mire.
16. A shkon mirë me prindërit? – ah, jam shkeputur nga ata fizikisht prej shume vitesh, nuk kam pasur shume strese nga kjo ane. nderkoh jam kujdesur per ta, me mirnjohje per kohen qe u kujdesen per mua.
17. I bie ndonjë vegle muzikore? – jo, por me gishtat sec ngateroj kur kam ndonje kenge ne mendje.
18. A ke tymosur muajt e fundit? – jo
19. Candy bar i preferuar? – lindt chocolate truffles (white and dark)
20. Ke dalë me ndonjë çun muajt e fundit? – kam dal dhe jam kenaqur. eshte goxha djale
21. Kur ishe e vogël...? – si gjith te tjeret, e bindur dhe jo, e qeshur dhe qaramane, e lezetshme dhe inatceshe, e forte fizikisht dhe frikacake...
22. Të kanë thënë ndonjëherë " bishtpërdredhur"? – kur isha e vogel e kisha per turp, por qe kur ika nga vendlindja, s'i pjerdh me ato shprehje...
23. Ke vjedhë ndonjëherë në dyqan? – po, njehere nje unaze plastike 5 dollareshe nga dyqani, kur isha 16 vjec, dhe sa kisha ardh ne amerike. turp... se me pa kushuriri im amerikan, edhe me dyshonte pastaj.
24. C'do bëhesh kur të rritesh? – jam accountan-teze
25. Tatuazhe? – jo i kam inat gjelperat.
26. Njeriu i famshëm i preferuar? – se mos i kemi njohur ne ta, te mire na jane dukur.
27. Skuadra e zemrës? – me italine kam qene, dhe qaja si gomare ne nje nga kampinatet e botes, edhe qe kur hengra nje shpulle te mire nga babi, erdha ne vete, nuk favorizoj me.
28. I dashuri ideal? – personi me te cilin po frekuentohem, me thene te drejten, eshte ideal per mua. humor, sgjuarsi, durim, ironik.
29. Shokët më të mirë? – jane ca njerez, qe me te vertete me kane hyre dhe u kam hyre ne zemer, dhe do i mbaj fort, e cuditshmja eshte qe kam dhene shume me shume edhe per njerez te tjere por me ata nuk u be brumi. s'di pse.
30. Beson në dashurinë me shikimin e parë? – pse jo, edhe mund te ndodhi.
31. Marka e preferuar e veshjeve? – kualiteti me ben per vete.
32. Pushimet e ëndrrave ? – vetem ose dhe dyshe, treshe e me tej, kudo, me krevat afer per nani nani.
33. Kafshë shtëpiake? – jo nuk
34. Këngëtari i preferuar? – nuk favorizoj as ne ket ane. e degjoj pothuajse cdo lloj muzike.
35. Filmi i preferuar? – ehe, aty me rri. kam shume, drejtori almodovar me pelqen goxha.
36. E ke shkrepur ndonjëherë pushkën? – jo
37. Të pëlqejnë këto pyetjet? – te thata jane, por njerezit i bejne pergjigjet interesante.
38. Të pëlqen vetja? – me pelqen fakti qe kerkoj te mesoj gjera te reja.... per te tjerat... eh.
39. Jam e varur prej? – mendjes, fatkeqsisht, por me pune, do mundohem ta shfrytezoj une ate, dhe jo anasjelltash sic ka ndodh deri me sot.
40. Pija e preferuar? – me tequilen, goldshlager and southern comfort jam ndare keq, keshtu qe pak pi, dhe nuk favorizoj.
41. Të ka vajtë mëndja skiç për njeri? – po, patjeter, torture thuaj.
42. Guxhulitesh? – pak, me raste.
43. Akullorja e preferuar? – ben & jerry cherry garcia frozen yougurt, por nuk prodhohet me.
44. A beson në Zot? – si ta themi... besoj ne esencen qe kemi secili nga ne qe eshte nje me esencen e krijuesit.
45. Përshkruaje veten me 3 fjalë. – impulsive (under construction), pishmanllie (under construction), e cilter :=), kokforte (definitely under construction).
46. Dita e preferuar e javës? – e shtuna. ohoho. nuk ka nevoj te ngrihem per pune, as sot as neser.
47. cfarë revistash lexon? – nuk jam e abonuar, por gosip revistave, ua hedh syrin ne rradhe.
48. E ëmbël apo e thartë? – kur s'te lejohen te emblat, edhe e tharta te behet e embel. dmth te emblat.
49. Marka e preferuar e çimçakizit? – trident
50. Ngjyra e flokëve? – kaf
51 Bishtin apo kokën? (e gjelit???) – kofshen
52 Soji? – pink
53 Gjatësia? – 1.70
54 Dobësia? – ata qe vuajne.
55 Pica e preferuar? – cdo lloj, pa sardele.
56 Fjalia më e shpeshtë në një sms? – hi.
57 Tipari më i mirë fizik? – buzeqeshja, mbase, por s'e shof dot shpesh.
58 Të zë makina, treni, avioni? – jo
59 Mc'Do apo Bourger King? – Mc'Do, se e kane marketingun me te fuqishem.
60Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?- Crystal Light
61 Kafe apo kapuçino? – te gjitha e i kam xhan.
62 A truan ndonjëherë? – eee patjeter
63 Do të shkosh në Universitet? – mire do ishte, por kam pertuar mbas vales se pare.
64 Të duket vetja tërheqëse? – ne fakt, kam praktikuar te flakten, dhe kam terheq ca vemendje, por nuk me duket si metode e mire per mua.
65 A ke pirë alkool muajin fundit? – pak vere.
66 A ke marrë drogë muajin e fundit? – nuk
67 Filmi vizatimor i preferuar kur ishe kalama? – nuk kam favorizuar.
68 A ke hipur në skenë muajin e fundit? – jo
69 Sporti i preferuar? – volejbolli
70Të kanë rrahur ndonjëherë? – po or po, pickuar sidomos.
71 Si do të vdesësh? – natyrisht, pa vuajtje.
72 Piercing? – veshet, me gjilperen e thesit te komshies.
73 Ngjyra e preferuar? – nuk favorizoj
74. Pjata e preferuar? – shume e shume lloje
75. Prindërit e tu janë...? – te dashur me mua.
76. Ke kalamaj?- jo, i mirepres.
77. Ke kafshë shtëpiake?- jo
78. Aroma e preferuar? – perdor Origins, spring fever.
79. Njëherë u deha dhe...? – e nisa makinen ne anen e kundert te rruges, dhe disa here nuk mbaja mend se ku e kisha shpine (flisja me gishta) (ne fakt e kam ndryshu shpine vit per vit, nuk i ve shum faj vetes se dehur)
80. Muzika e preferuar? – muzika me sherben si backround, vetem me muzike Pop keto koh. Ka kaluar ajo koh qe falesha per muziken, sa me dramatike aq me shume bija pertok.
81. Pa çfarë s'mund të jetosh? – pa njerez te qete.
82. Stina e preferuar? – nuk favorizoj. por ngrohtesia me pelqen, por jo nxehtesia.
83. Flori apo argjend? – asje e verdhe.
84. Kush është personi i fundit që ju mori në telefon? – rrushi.
85. Si i jep makinës?- si gjyshe, keto koh.
86. Më mirë e pasur apo e famshme? – e pasur njehere.
87. Kur je mërzitur shumë....? – ah, qaj per qef tim.
88. Si e ke zilen e celit këto kohë? – koti
89. Sa e ke çuar pa gjumë? – 2 dite si gjith parafolesit.
90. Ç'do bëje me 1 milion dollarë? – me ti pasur e me te bere.
91. Ç'ju bën për të qeshur? – humor qe ka te bej me steriotipet e njerezve nga jeta e perditshme.
92. Libri i preferuar? – nuk favorizoj.
93. Çasti më i sikletshëm? – kur jam shkurtuar nga puna.
94. Gjëja e preferuar që ke? – nuk favorizoj.
95. Ke lëvizur shtëpi ndonjëherë? – nja pesembedhjete here po e po.
96. Puthje apo përqafime? – te dyja.
97. A jeni njeri emotiv? – domosdo.
1. Ngjyra e syve? – kafe me jeshil. sy mo.
2. Makina e preferuar? - volvo cross country. me pelqen forma.
3. Me të mëngjrën a me të djathtën? - me te djathten bej me shume pune.
4. Këpucët që veshe sot? – cizme shiu, prej rrobe, leckamane.
5. Frika? - po mundohem ti reduktoj, se lista eshte e gjate, edhe nuk jane gjera te kendshme.
6. Qëllimi që do donit të arrinit këtë vit? – te behet me dokumenta partneri.
7. Mendimi i parë në mëngjes? – edhe pese minuta gjum.
8. Koha e gjumit? – varet
9. Pepsi apo Koka? – uje mix me crystal light puder (caj)
10. E dalë në grup apo dyshe? – e drejta, kur dal me shqiptare preferoj sa me pak njerez, se flasin te gjith njehershi, dhe e kam bezdi :) ne fakt kam shume gjera bezdi. po mundohem ti reduktoj.
11. Çokollatë apo vanilje? - cokollate, ketu mund te shkruaj gjate. Lindt ma gjen midene.
12. Tymos? – jo, tymos partneri sa per te dy. e kam bezdi edhe kete :)
13. Këndon? – po, (belle, mos u cudit) kendoj, dhe kur degjoj zerin tim eshte si sinjal qe duhet te ndez radion per muzike. vete nuk e kenaq veten me tingujt qe prodhoj :)
14. Ke rënë në dashuri? – poooo disa here, por nuk dua te jem ne maj te dallges se gremisem, preferoj me kembet ngulur ne toke.
15. Do të martohesh një ditë? – do doja, kam qene kondra, por keto koh nuk me tremb martesa, them se me personin qe kam ne krah, do shkonim mire.
16. A shkon mirë me prindërit? – ah, jam shkeputur nga ata fizikisht prej shume vitesh, nuk kam pasur shume strese nga kjo ane. nderkoh jam kujdesur per ta, me mirnjohje per kohen qe u kujdesen per mua.
17. I bie ndonjë vegle muzikore? – jo, por me gishtat sec ngateroj kur kam ndonje kenge ne mendje.
18. A ke tymosur muajt e fundit? – jo
19. Candy bar i preferuar? – lindt chocolate truffles (white and dark)
20. Ke dalë me ndonjë çun muajt e fundit? – kam dal dhe jam kenaqur. eshte goxha djale
21. Kur ishe e vogël...? – si gjith te tjeret, e bindur dhe jo, e qeshur dhe qaramane, e lezetshme dhe inatceshe, e forte fizikisht dhe frikacake...
22. Të kanë thënë ndonjëherë " bishtpërdredhur"? – kur isha e vogel e kisha per turp, por qe kur ika nga vendlindja, s'i pjerdh me ato shprehje...
23. Ke vjedhë ndonjëherë në dyqan? – po, njehere nje unaze plastike 5 dollareshe nga dyqani, kur isha 16 vjec, dhe sa kisha ardh ne amerike. turp... se me pa kushuriri im amerikan, edhe me dyshonte pastaj.
24. C'do bëhesh kur të rritesh? – jam accountan-teze
25. Tatuazhe? – jo i kam inat gjelperat.
26. Njeriu i famshëm i preferuar? – se mos i kemi njohur ne ta, te mire na jane dukur.
27. Skuadra e zemrës? – me italine kam qene, dhe qaja si gomare ne nje nga kampinatet e botes, edhe qe kur hengra nje shpulle te mire nga babi, erdha ne vete, nuk favorizoj me.
28. I dashuri ideal? – personi me te cilin po frekuentohem, me thene te drejten, eshte ideal per mua. humor, sgjuarsi, durim, ironik.
29. Shokët më të mirë? – jane ca njerez, qe me te vertete me kane hyre dhe u kam hyre ne zemer, dhe do i mbaj fort, e cuditshmja eshte qe kam dhene shume me shume edhe per njerez te tjere por me ata nuk u be brumi. s'di pse.
30. Beson në dashurinë me shikimin e parë? – pse jo, edhe mund te ndodhi.
31. Marka e preferuar e veshjeve? – kualiteti me ben per vete.
32. Pushimet e ëndrrave ? – vetem ose dhe dyshe, treshe e me tej, kudo, me krevat afer per nani nani.
33. Kafshë shtëpiake? – jo nuk
34. Këngëtari i preferuar? – nuk favorizoj as ne ket ane. e degjoj pothuajse cdo lloj muzike.
35. Filmi i preferuar? – ehe, aty me rri. kam shume, drejtori almodovar me pelqen goxha.
36. E ke shkrepur ndonjëherë pushkën? – jo
37. Të pëlqejnë këto pyetjet? – te thata jane, por njerezit i bejne pergjigjet interesante.
38. Të pëlqen vetja? – me pelqen fakti qe kerkoj te mesoj gjera te reja.... per te tjerat... eh.
39. Jam e varur prej? – mendjes, fatkeqsisht, por me pune, do mundohem ta shfrytezoj une ate, dhe jo anasjelltash sic ka ndodh deri me sot.
40. Pija e preferuar? – me tequilen, goldshlager and southern comfort jam ndare keq, keshtu qe pak pi, dhe nuk favorizoj.
41. Të ka vajtë mëndja skiç për njeri? – po, patjeter, torture thuaj.
42. Guxhulitesh? – pak, me raste.
43. Akullorja e preferuar? – ben & jerry cherry garcia frozen yougurt, por nuk prodhohet me.
44. A beson në Zot? – si ta themi... besoj ne esencen qe kemi secili nga ne qe eshte nje me esencen e krijuesit.
45. Përshkruaje veten me 3 fjalë. – impulsive (under construction), pishmanllie (under construction), e cilter :=), kokforte (definitely under construction).
46. Dita e preferuar e javës? – e shtuna. ohoho. nuk ka nevoj te ngrihem per pune, as sot as neser.
47. cfarë revistash lexon? – nuk jam e abonuar, por gosip revistave, ua hedh syrin ne rradhe.
48. E ëmbël apo e thartë? – kur s'te lejohen te emblat, edhe e tharta te behet e embel. dmth te emblat.
49. Marka e preferuar e çimçakizit? – trident
50. Ngjyra e flokëve? – kaf
51 Bishtin apo kokën? (e gjelit???) – kofshen
52 Soji? – pink
53 Gjatësia? – 1.70
54 Dobësia? – ata qe vuajne.
55 Pica e preferuar? – cdo lloj, pa sardele.
56 Fjalia më e shpeshtë në një sms? – hi.
57 Tipari më i mirë fizik? – buzeqeshja, mbase, por s'e shof dot shpesh.
58 Të zë makina, treni, avioni? – jo
59 Mc'Do apo Bourger King? – Mc'Do, se e kane marketingun me te fuqishem.
60Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?- Crystal Light
61 Kafe apo kapuçino? – te gjitha e i kam xhan.
62 A truan ndonjëherë? – eee patjeter
63 Do të shkosh në Universitet? – mire do ishte, por kam pertuar mbas vales se pare.
64 Të duket vetja tërheqëse? – ne fakt, kam praktikuar te flakten, dhe kam terheq ca vemendje, por nuk me duket si metode e mire per mua.
65 A ke pirë alkool muajin fundit? – pak vere.
66 A ke marrë drogë muajin e fundit? – nuk
67 Filmi vizatimor i preferuar kur ishe kalama? – nuk kam favorizuar.
68 A ke hipur në skenë muajin e fundit? – jo
69 Sporti i preferuar? – volejbolli
70Të kanë rrahur ndonjëherë? – po or po, pickuar sidomos.
71 Si do të vdesësh? – natyrisht, pa vuajtje.
72 Piercing? – veshet, me gjilperen e thesit te komshies.
73 Ngjyra e preferuar? – nuk favorizoj
74. Pjata e preferuar? – shume e shume lloje
75. Prindërit e tu janë...? – te dashur me mua.
76. Ke kalamaj?- jo, i mirepres.
77. Ke kafshë shtëpiake?- jo
78. Aroma e preferuar? – perdor Origins, spring fever.
79. Njëherë u deha dhe...? – e nisa makinen ne anen e kundert te rruges, dhe disa here nuk mbaja mend se ku e kisha shpine (flisja me gishta) (ne fakt e kam ndryshu shpine vit per vit, nuk i ve shum faj vetes se dehur)
80. Muzika e preferuar? – muzika me sherben si backround, vetem me muzike Pop keto koh. Ka kaluar ajo koh qe falesha per muziken, sa me dramatike aq me shume bija pertok.
81. Pa çfarë s'mund të jetosh? – pa njerez te qete.
82. Stina e preferuar? – nuk favorizoj. por ngrohtesia me pelqen, por jo nxehtesia.
83. Flori apo argjend? – asje e verdhe.
84. Kush është personi i fundit që ju mori në telefon? – rrushi.
85. Si i jep makinës?- si gjyshe, keto koh.
86. Më mirë e pasur apo e famshme? – e pasur njehere.
87. Kur je mërzitur shumë....? – ah, qaj per qef tim.
88. Si e ke zilen e celit këto kohë? – koti
89. Sa e ke çuar pa gjumë? – 2 dite si gjith parafolesit.
90. Ç'do bëje me 1 milion dollarë? – me ti pasur e me te bere.
91. Ç'ju bën për të qeshur? – humor qe ka te bej me steriotipet e njerezve nga jeta e perditshme.
92. Libri i preferuar? – nuk favorizoj.
93. Çasti më i sikletshëm? – kur jam shkurtuar nga puna.
94. Gjëja e preferuar që ke? – nuk favorizoj.
95. Ke lëvizur shtëpi ndonjëherë? – nja pesembedhjete here po e po.
96. Puthje apo përqafime? – te dyja.
97. A jeni njeri emotiv? – domosdo.
B-ja i pergjijget pyetsorit...
Ja dhe pergjijget e B-se, te cilen e njoh prej 17 vjetesh e kusur, por akoma nuk ja dija disa nga keto gjerat per veten. Rrofshin pyetsoret. B-ja jeton ne Itali, dhe nuk ka blog te sajin. E falenderoj B-ne per angazhimin per kete pyetsor, dhe per besimin qe ka tek une qe t'ia botoj ne internet :)
1. Ngjyra e syve? – kafe
2. Makina e preferuar? - jo kaq larg
3. Me të mëngjrën a me të djathtën? - ambigue pyetja, po po te jete x te shkruar me te djathten
4. Këpucët që veshe sot? – cisme, te gjata deri te gjuri me maje e me take, te zeza
5. Frika? - me duhet kohe e gjate per ti radhit
6. Qëllimi që do donit të arrinit këtë vit? – besoj se ja kam arrit
7. Mendimi i parë në mëngjes? – si do shkoje sot?
8. Koha e gjumit? – rreth ores 3 te mengjesit, ca me heret e ca me vone
9. Pepsi apo Koka? – asnje nga te dyja
10. E dalë në grup apo dyshe? – ne grup kur sta var njeri
11. Çokollatë apo vanilje? - ccccccccccokollate
12. Tymos? – jo
13. Këndon? – shpesh
14. Ke rënë në dashuri? – ca here
15. Do të martohesh një ditë? – do te me pelqente, po po sndodhi dheu do te me trese sepse ne nje fare menyre e kam provuar nje here
16. A shkon mirë me prindërit? – fale Zotit shume mire
17. I bie ndonjë vegle muzikore? – do te me pelqente pianoja, po i bie violines menderisht ne situata te ndryshme te padurueshme
18. A ke tymosur muajt e fundit? – jo
19. Candy bar i preferuar? – nuk kuptoj mire pyetjen
20. Ke dalë me ndonjë çun muajt e fundit? – po te kishit mundesi te me shikonit, vetem me nje do te ofendoja zgjuarsine dhe bukurine time
21. Kur ishe e vogël...? – banoja me gjyshrit qe tani me mengojne shume
22. Të kanë thënë ndonjëherë " bishtpërdredhur"? – ofendohem po te mos e degjoj
23. Ke vjedhë ndonjëherë në dyqan? – edhe
24. C'do bëhesh kur të rritesh? – kam kohe akoma per ta menduar...
25. Tatuazhe? – jo
26. Njeriu i famshëm i preferuar? – e kam te veshtire te zgjedh vetem nje
27. Skuadra e zemrës? – nuk jam tifoze
28. I dashuri ideal? – mashkull dhe i sinqerte(e di qe s jemi ne periudhe mrekullish po ideal me pyete)
29. Shokët më të mirë? – ruhen si uji i paket ne mes te shkretetires
30. Beson në dashurinë me shikimin e parë? – eshte intensive dhe e perjetshme deri sa zgjat...
31. Marka e preferuar e veshjeve? – mos doni edhe ato te te brendshmeve???
32. Pushimet e ëndrrave ? – edhe ne maje te malit po me shoqerine e duhur
33. Kafshë shtëpiake? – po te kem mundesi jetoj mire edhe pa
34. Këngëtari i preferuar? – jo vetem nje
35. Filmi i preferuar? – ti presento Joe Black
36. E ke shkrepur ndonjëherë pushkën? – deri tani jo, po mendoj shume shpejt
37. Të pëlqejnë këto pyetjet? – interesante
38. Të pëlqen vetja? – natyrisht, e dashuroj veten
39. Jam e varur prej? – asgjeje, me pelqejne gjerat po mesohem dhe cmesohem kur eshte e nevojshme per te mos u bere e varur prej tyre
40. Pija e preferuar? – Vera, po ajo e mira ama
41. Të ka vajtë mëndja skiç për njeri? – shume familjare ceshtja
42. Guxhulitesh? – jo
43. Akullorja e preferuar? – e vivoli-t, cdo lloj shijeje
44. A beson në Zot? – patjeter
45. Përshkruaje veten me 3 fjalë. – inteligjente, interesante e modeste kuptohet
46. Dita e preferuar e javës? – te gjitha ditet mund te jene te preferuara, varet se c ndodh ne to
47. Çfarë revistash lexon? – te modes dhe shkencore
48. E ëmbël apo e thartë? – e tharte
49. Marka e preferuar e çimçakizit? – mjafton te jete pa sheqer
50. Ngjyra e flokëve? – kafe
51. Bishtin apo kokën? (e gjelit???) – asnjeren
52. Soji? – ariane
53. Gjatësia? – 1 e 70 pa taka
54. Dobësia? – elegante
55. Pica e preferuar? – capriciosa si une
56. Fjalia më e shpeshtë në një sms? – ciao
57. Tipari më i mirë fizik? – syte megjithese te tjeret thone tjeter gje...
58. Të zë makina, treni, avioni? – po, por nuk vjell
59. Mc'Do apo Bourger King? – asnje
60. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?- elisir
61. Kafe apo kapuçino? – kafe, turke mundesisht
62. A truan ndonjëherë? – nuk kuptoj pyetjen
63. Do të shkosh në Universitet? – po
64. Të duket vetja tërheqëse? – po pyetje eshte kjo, po i pergjigjem kesaj poshte
65. A ke pirë alkool muajin fundit? – jo, pasi vera nuk hyn te pijet alkool-ike
66. A ke marrë drogë muajin e fundit? – jo per te bere moralisten por nuk me ka rene rasti ta perdor
67. Filmi vizatimor i preferuar kur ishe kalama? – arushi qe humbet babain
68. A ke hipur në skenë muajin e fundit? – jam ne skene cdo dite
69. Sporti i preferuar? – kalerimi
70. Të kanë rrahur ndonjëherë? – edhe ka ndodh
71. Si do të vdesësh? – ne koke e ne grope
72. Piercing? – jo
73. Ngjyra e preferuar? – e bardha ose e zeza
74. Pjata e preferuar? – frutat e detit
75. Prindërit e tu janë...? – te kuptueshem, po ne fund te fundit edhe te influenzueshem
76. Ke kalamaj?- jo per momentin
77. Ke kafshë shtëpiake?- jo
78. Aroma e preferuar? – te gjitha qe mund te te me thone dicka pasi cikjes me lekuren time
79. Njëherë u deha dhe...? – volla edhe shpirtin
80. Muzika e preferuar? – greke
81. Pa çfarë s'mund të jetosh? – pa njerez interesant
82. Stina e preferuar? – pranvera, cdo gje rilind, shpresedhenese...
83. Flori apo argjend? – platin
84. Kush është personi i fundit që ju mori në telefon? – ledi
85. Si i jep makinës?- nuk ngas qe kur kam marre patenten
86. Më mirë e pasur apo e famshme? – me aq lek sa mund te me lejoj qe te bej jeten qe dua pa patur nevojen e ndihmes se asnjerit
87. Kur je mërzitur shumë....? – kam qare, uleritur, jam cmendur e pire
88. Si e ke zilen e celit këto kohë? – greke
89. Sa e ke çuar pa gjumë? – edhe 2 dite
90. Ç'do bëje me 1 milion dollarë? – do jetoja ca kohe pa punur
91. Ç'ju bën për të qeshur? – edhe gjera te vogla
92. Libri i preferuar? – duhet ta shkruajne akoma
93. Çasti më i sikletshëm? – nuk besoj se ka ardh akoma
94. Gjëja e preferuar që ke? – me ve ne mendime me gjithe keto gjera te preferuara
95. Ke lëvizur shtëpi ndonjëherë? – sa me ka ardh shpirti ne maje te hundes
96. Puthje apo përqafime? – varet se cfare duhet te ndjeki ato, dashuri apo seks
97. A jeni njeri emotiv? – per fatkeqesine time shume
1. Ngjyra e syve? – kafe
2. Makina e preferuar? - jo kaq larg
3. Me të mëngjrën a me të djathtën? - ambigue pyetja, po po te jete x te shkruar me te djathten
4. Këpucët që veshe sot? – cisme, te gjata deri te gjuri me maje e me take, te zeza
5. Frika? - me duhet kohe e gjate per ti radhit
6. Qëllimi që do donit të arrinit këtë vit? – besoj se ja kam arrit
7. Mendimi i parë në mëngjes? – si do shkoje sot?
8. Koha e gjumit? – rreth ores 3 te mengjesit, ca me heret e ca me vone
9. Pepsi apo Koka? – asnje nga te dyja
10. E dalë në grup apo dyshe? – ne grup kur sta var njeri
11. Çokollatë apo vanilje? - ccccccccccokollate
12. Tymos? – jo
13. Këndon? – shpesh
14. Ke rënë në dashuri? – ca here
15. Do të martohesh një ditë? – do te me pelqente, po po sndodhi dheu do te me trese sepse ne nje fare menyre e kam provuar nje here
16. A shkon mirë me prindërit? – fale Zotit shume mire
17. I bie ndonjë vegle muzikore? – do te me pelqente pianoja, po i bie violines menderisht ne situata te ndryshme te padurueshme
18. A ke tymosur muajt e fundit? – jo
19. Candy bar i preferuar? – nuk kuptoj mire pyetjen
20. Ke dalë me ndonjë çun muajt e fundit? – po te kishit mundesi te me shikonit, vetem me nje do te ofendoja zgjuarsine dhe bukurine time
21. Kur ishe e vogël...? – banoja me gjyshrit qe tani me mengojne shume
22. Të kanë thënë ndonjëherë " bishtpërdredhur"? – ofendohem po te mos e degjoj
23. Ke vjedhë ndonjëherë në dyqan? – edhe
24. C'do bëhesh kur të rritesh? – kam kohe akoma per ta menduar...
25. Tatuazhe? – jo
26. Njeriu i famshëm i preferuar? – e kam te veshtire te zgjedh vetem nje
27. Skuadra e zemrës? – nuk jam tifoze
28. I dashuri ideal? – mashkull dhe i sinqerte(e di qe s jemi ne periudhe mrekullish po ideal me pyete)
29. Shokët më të mirë? – ruhen si uji i paket ne mes te shkretetires
30. Beson në dashurinë me shikimin e parë? – eshte intensive dhe e perjetshme deri sa zgjat...
31. Marka e preferuar e veshjeve? – mos doni edhe ato te te brendshmeve???
32. Pushimet e ëndrrave ? – edhe ne maje te malit po me shoqerine e duhur
33. Kafshë shtëpiake? – po te kem mundesi jetoj mire edhe pa
34. Këngëtari i preferuar? – jo vetem nje
35. Filmi i preferuar? – ti presento Joe Black
36. E ke shkrepur ndonjëherë pushkën? – deri tani jo, po mendoj shume shpejt
37. Të pëlqejnë këto pyetjet? – interesante
38. Të pëlqen vetja? – natyrisht, e dashuroj veten
39. Jam e varur prej? – asgjeje, me pelqejne gjerat po mesohem dhe cmesohem kur eshte e nevojshme per te mos u bere e varur prej tyre
40. Pija e preferuar? – Vera, po ajo e mira ama
41. Të ka vajtë mëndja skiç për njeri? – shume familjare ceshtja
42. Guxhulitesh? – jo
43. Akullorja e preferuar? – e vivoli-t, cdo lloj shijeje
44. A beson në Zot? – patjeter
45. Përshkruaje veten me 3 fjalë. – inteligjente, interesante e modeste kuptohet
46. Dita e preferuar e javës? – te gjitha ditet mund te jene te preferuara, varet se c ndodh ne to
47. Çfarë revistash lexon? – te modes dhe shkencore
48. E ëmbël apo e thartë? – e tharte
49. Marka e preferuar e çimçakizit? – mjafton te jete pa sheqer
50. Ngjyra e flokëve? – kafe
51. Bishtin apo kokën? (e gjelit???) – asnjeren
52. Soji? – ariane
53. Gjatësia? – 1 e 70 pa taka
54. Dobësia? – elegante
55. Pica e preferuar? – capriciosa si une
56. Fjalia më e shpeshtë në një sms? – ciao
57. Tipari më i mirë fizik? – syte megjithese te tjeret thone tjeter gje...
58. Të zë makina, treni, avioni? – po, por nuk vjell
59. Mc'Do apo Bourger King? – asnje
60. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?- elisir
61. Kafe apo kapuçino? – kafe, turke mundesisht
62. A truan ndonjëherë? – nuk kuptoj pyetjen
63. Do të shkosh në Universitet? – po
64. Të duket vetja tërheqëse? – po pyetje eshte kjo, po i pergjigjem kesaj poshte
65. A ke pirë alkool muajin fundit? – jo, pasi vera nuk hyn te pijet alkool-ike
66. A ke marrë drogë muajin e fundit? – jo per te bere moralisten por nuk me ka rene rasti ta perdor
67. Filmi vizatimor i preferuar kur ishe kalama? – arushi qe humbet babain
68. A ke hipur në skenë muajin e fundit? – jam ne skene cdo dite
69. Sporti i preferuar? – kalerimi
70. Të kanë rrahur ndonjëherë? – edhe ka ndodh
71. Si do të vdesësh? – ne koke e ne grope
72. Piercing? – jo
73. Ngjyra e preferuar? – e bardha ose e zeza
74. Pjata e preferuar? – frutat e detit
75. Prindërit e tu janë...? – te kuptueshem, po ne fund te fundit edhe te influenzueshem
76. Ke kalamaj?- jo per momentin
77. Ke kafshë shtëpiake?- jo
78. Aroma e preferuar? – te gjitha qe mund te te me thone dicka pasi cikjes me lekuren time
79. Njëherë u deha dhe...? – volla edhe shpirtin
80. Muzika e preferuar? – greke
81. Pa çfarë s'mund të jetosh? – pa njerez interesant
82. Stina e preferuar? – pranvera, cdo gje rilind, shpresedhenese...
83. Flori apo argjend? – platin
84. Kush është personi i fundit që ju mori në telefon? – ledi
85. Si i jep makinës?- nuk ngas qe kur kam marre patenten
86. Më mirë e pasur apo e famshme? – me aq lek sa mund te me lejoj qe te bej jeten qe dua pa patur nevojen e ndihmes se asnjerit
87. Kur je mërzitur shumë....? – kam qare, uleritur, jam cmendur e pire
88. Si e ke zilen e celit këto kohë? – greke
89. Sa e ke çuar pa gjumë? – edhe 2 dite
90. Ç'do bëje me 1 milion dollarë? – do jetoja ca kohe pa punur
91. Ç'ju bën për të qeshur? – edhe gjera te vogla
92. Libri i preferuar? – duhet ta shkruajne akoma
93. Çasti më i sikletshëm? – nuk besoj se ka ardh akoma
94. Gjëja e preferuar që ke? – me ve ne mendime me gjithe keto gjera te preferuara
95. Ke lëvizur shtëpi ndonjëherë? – sa me ka ardh shpirti ne maje te hundes
96. Puthje apo përqafime? – varet se cfare duhet te ndjeki ato, dashuri apo seks
97. A jeni njeri emotiv? – per fatkeqesine time shume
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Power of Now.
I really want to make you aware of this Audio book called "the Power of Now". I bought the book a couple of years ago, but only read a bit of it, and forgot about it. I am now listening to the Audio version of the book, and it's been a positive overwhelming experience. You'll listen to the author, who is a spiritual teacher, and the information given is amazing.
Listen to it wherever you can, and let the powerful meaning of the message work inside you.
This book is an introduction, to spiritual realization, that at least it's important to be aware of.
This book goes into every corner of every aspect of life, and grabs you and turns your world upside down, just the right amount.
This book has been for me like meeting the most talented psychic out there, who knows everything about you, and tells your entire future to you, and the news is good. :)
We all read many books, and most books only give you a little, which we don't mind taking, as we are used to taking things in small dosage. Well this book gives you a big dosage.
I hope you take it.
"the most essential kind of knowledge is not yet widely accessible"
Listen to it wherever you can, and let the powerful meaning of the message work inside you.
This book is an introduction, to spiritual realization, that at least it's important to be aware of.
This book goes into every corner of every aspect of life, and grabs you and turns your world upside down, just the right amount.
This book has been for me like meeting the most talented psychic out there, who knows everything about you, and tells your entire future to you, and the news is good. :)
We all read many books, and most books only give you a little, which we don't mind taking, as we are used to taking things in small dosage. Well this book gives you a big dosage.
I hope you take it.
"the most essential kind of knowledge is not yet widely accessible"
Monday, October 1, 2007
an open letter of appology
I found this while reading a book about emotions. I thought it was a good exercise.
Dear Me,
Over the years, I have resented you for not being athletic enough, brave enough, funny enough, smart enough, talented enough, handsome enough, rich enough, admired enough, educated enough, New York enough, out-going enough, quiet enough, old enough, young enough, loving enough and loved enough. I have demanded perfection from you and have found you wanting. The result of this obsession with perfection has been to make you terrified of failure and riducule, angry at any and all obsticles, and finally, incapable of enjoying the bounty that was not only around you, but within you as well. Well, all that's about to change. From now on, I'm going to make every effort to love and accept you as you are. But since bad habits die hard, I'll start with something easy. From now on, you're old enough.
Dear Me,
Over the years, I have resented you for not being athletic enough, brave enough, funny enough, smart enough, talented enough, handsome enough, rich enough, admired enough, educated enough, New York enough, out-going enough, quiet enough, old enough, young enough, loving enough and loved enough. I have demanded perfection from you and have found you wanting. The result of this obsession with perfection has been to make you terrified of failure and riducule, angry at any and all obsticles, and finally, incapable of enjoying the bounty that was not only around you, but within you as well. Well, all that's about to change. From now on, I'm going to make every effort to love and accept you as you are. But since bad habits die hard, I'll start with something easy. From now on, you're old enough.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Man on a bridge - joke
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it."
"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.
"Well, there's so much to live for!"
"Like what?"
"Are you religious?
"He said, "Yes.
I said, "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?"
"Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?"
"Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?"
"Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?"
"Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?"
He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."
I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.
"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.
"Well, there's so much to live for!"
"Like what?"
"Are you religious?
"He said, "Yes.
I said, "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?"
"Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?"
"Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?"
"Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?"
"Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?"
He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."
I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Baby boy
You were born on August 16th at 5 am in Tirana. At 6 am I got a text message “Dear Bana, you are an Aunt”. You are named Gerd, like Gerd Myler the soccer player. Your mom and dad couldn’t decide on a name for you for a long time. Names were changing every week. Your mom liked Fjord, Kron, Dalin, Blini, I liked Viktor and Farris etc. Well, here we are dear Gerd. You were born 3.4 kilos, and your mom had to push you out for three hours. She was in a lot of pain, the natural way.
When I first saw your picture, you looked more like a girl, than a boy. Oh well, I’m allowed to say such things to your mom. She knows me well. I am tough on her, but I feel when others only call you “poor thing or, it must be tough” someone has to be the “bad guy” and poke you with a stick to do something.
In these first few days, you sleep a lot, and haven’t yet figured out how to latch on to your mom’s food. I hope only good things for you from here on out. Your mom says you’re a good quiet baby, (only fussing when you must), and very sensitive to any movement around you. I like that about you. Sensitive Gerd.
I can’t wait to see you and hug your small body, and make jokes with your mom, about any other traits you may have gotten from her. You and she are well loved by me.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Where is She?
Someone who means well, but is confused, asked me today how is she? I don’t know. I think she’s watching over me, but I don’t know. Where are you? I picture your new residence, but hopefully you are not there much. It’s not much of a place, even though it’s quiet, with trees and flowers. Hopefully you’re walking somewhere, talking to friends making jokes, and can see me. I know it’s important to you, to see me, to know what I’m doing, to see my surroundings. I hope you don’t see everything. I am embarrassed about some. I hope you’re not too shocked, and this is not an apology, I can not give you one now. I hope you heard my last one. Well I don’t know where you are, but I don’t mind believing you’re around.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Life in the heart of
Life in deserts was sandy,
Life in caves was lonely,
Life in ocean was salty,
Life in stars was resplendent,
Life in car was modern,
Life in mountains was exhilarating,
Life in Sun was brilliant,
Life in forests was mystical,
Life in shadows was enigmatic,
Life in battlefield was belligerent,
Life in pearls was exotic,
Life in office was monotonous,
Life in sky was breezy,
Life in submarine was voluptuous,
Life in trees was mischievous,
Life in roses was fragrant,
Life in grass was intoxicating,
Life in webs was silken,
Life in paradise was divine,
Life in temples was sacrosanct,
Life in gutter was abhorrent,
Life in dirt was deplorable,
Life in rain was seductive,
Life in beehives was vivacious,
Life in wine was sensuous,
Life in computers was brazen,
Life in nests was sequestering,
Life in statues was stationary,
Life in icebergs was freezing,
Life in anthills was irascible,
Life in lakes was placid,
Life in locks was invincible,
Life in photographs was still,
Life in gardens was pleasant,
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating,
Life in fists was curled,
Life in prison was disdainful,
Life in whirlpool was spinning,
Life in theater was dramatic,
Life in art was enchanting,
Life in boats was undulating,
Life in diamonds was glittering,
Life in moon was milky,
Life in kitchen was appetizing,
Life in beauty was ravishing,
Life in titillation was enticing,
Life in fantasy was stupendous,
Life in mothers lap was blissful,
Life in medicine was healing,
Life in corpse was standstill,
Life in lavatory was pathetic,
Life in seedlings was blossoming,
Life in horseback was gallivanting,
Life in snakeskin was slithering,
Life in oven was sizzling,
Life in greenery was sedative,
Life in rebellion was evoking,
Life in discrimination was appalling,
Life in benevolence was gratifying,
Life in humanity was God,
Life in cheese was tangy,
Life in achievement was exultating,
Life in ambition was propelling,
Life in eyelashes was flirtatious,
Life in palms was dependant,
Life in fashion was bombastic,
Life in recluse was esoteric,
Life in keyhole was inconspicuous,
Life in kites was exuberant,
Life in glass was reflecting,
Life in tea was rejuvenating,
Life in sheep was impeccable,
Life in rocks was jagged,
Life in chains was abominable,
Life in feathers was tickling,
Life in egotism was preposterous,
Life in dawn was brandnew,
Life in dewdrops was mesmerizing,
Life in intrigue was electrifying,
Life in eloquence was mystifying,
Life in clock was pragmatic,
Life in childhood was nostalgic,
Life in robots was mechanical,
Life in fabric was shielding,
Life in soul was stupefying,
Life in roots was entangling,
Life in chains was hedonistic,
Life in bareness was lascivious,
Life in haziness was romantic,
Life in knives was lethal,
Life in chili was piquant,
Life in swings was fascinating,
Life in lechery was insane,
Life in rhythm was celestial,
Life in pulse was frantic,
Life in lies was cowardice,
Life in superstitions was non-existent,
Life in revenge was pugnacious,
But life in the heart of your beloved; WAS; IS; AND WILL ALWAYS BE LOVE; LOVE AND ONLY LOVE…
by nikhil parekh
Life in caves was lonely,
Life in ocean was salty,
Life in stars was resplendent,
Life in car was modern,
Life in mountains was exhilarating,
Life in Sun was brilliant,
Life in forests was mystical,
Life in shadows was enigmatic,
Life in battlefield was belligerent,
Life in pearls was exotic,
Life in office was monotonous,
Life in sky was breezy,
Life in submarine was voluptuous,
Life in trees was mischievous,
Life in roses was fragrant,
Life in grass was intoxicating,
Life in webs was silken,
Life in paradise was divine,
Life in temples was sacrosanct,
Life in gutter was abhorrent,
Life in dirt was deplorable,
Life in rain was seductive,
Life in beehives was vivacious,
Life in wine was sensuous,
Life in computers was brazen,
Life in nests was sequestering,
Life in statues was stationary,
Life in icebergs was freezing,
Life in anthills was irascible,
Life in lakes was placid,
Life in locks was invincible,
Life in photographs was still,
Life in gardens was pleasant,
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating,
Life in fists was curled,
Life in prison was disdainful,
Life in whirlpool was spinning,
Life in theater was dramatic,
Life in art was enchanting,
Life in boats was undulating,
Life in diamonds was glittering,
Life in moon was milky,
Life in kitchen was appetizing,
Life in beauty was ravishing,
Life in titillation was enticing,
Life in fantasy was stupendous,
Life in mothers lap was blissful,
Life in medicine was healing,
Life in corpse was standstill,
Life in lavatory was pathetic,
Life in seedlings was blossoming,
Life in horseback was gallivanting,
Life in snakeskin was slithering,
Life in oven was sizzling,
Life in greenery was sedative,
Life in rebellion was evoking,
Life in discrimination was appalling,
Life in benevolence was gratifying,
Life in humanity was God,
Life in cheese was tangy,
Life in achievement was exultating,
Life in ambition was propelling,
Life in eyelashes was flirtatious,
Life in palms was dependant,
Life in fashion was bombastic,
Life in recluse was esoteric,
Life in keyhole was inconspicuous,
Life in kites was exuberant,
Life in glass was reflecting,
Life in tea was rejuvenating,
Life in sheep was impeccable,
Life in rocks was jagged,
Life in chains was abominable,
Life in feathers was tickling,
Life in egotism was preposterous,
Life in dawn was brandnew,
Life in dewdrops was mesmerizing,
Life in intrigue was electrifying,
Life in eloquence was mystifying,
Life in clock was pragmatic,
Life in childhood was nostalgic,
Life in robots was mechanical,
Life in fabric was shielding,
Life in soul was stupefying,
Life in roots was entangling,
Life in chains was hedonistic,
Life in bareness was lascivious,
Life in haziness was romantic,
Life in knives was lethal,
Life in chili was piquant,
Life in swings was fascinating,
Life in lechery was insane,
Life in rhythm was celestial,
Life in pulse was frantic,
Life in lies was cowardice,
Life in superstitions was non-existent,
Life in revenge was pugnacious,
But life in the heart of your beloved; WAS; IS; AND WILL ALWAYS BE LOVE; LOVE AND ONLY LOVE…
by nikhil parekh
Monday, June 11, 2007
Dude, where is my watch???
As you may have seen, President Bush got himself lost in the crowd in Fush Kruje... Someone noticed the fact that when he went into the crowd he had on a wrist watch. Then after the crowd kissed him, hugged him, and grabbed him, oh so lovingly, no more watch...
I just watched the video again in youtube, and yes, it is true.
Does this remind you of a joke about albanians.
When do you know you're in albania?
When you take your arm out the car window and your watch is stolen.
I just watched the video again in youtube, and yes, it is true.
Does this remind you of a joke about albanians.
When do you know you're in albania?
When you take your arm out the car window and your watch is stolen.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
President Bush receives warmest welcome in Albania
Yes!!!!! This is the kind of media bullshit I like, for the benefit of my native country.
I feel content. Perfect.
I feel content. Perfect.
Friday, June 8, 2007
sad sad day... democrats and Republicans can't come to an agreement. Leaving sarcasm aside, I don't know if they just got too tired of debating, or they need a fresh perspective to move forward. The needs of an immigrant are simple: to be able to go to school, fly to Florida on vacation, drive a car, get medical coverage, visit their families. Waiting years to get there, they will gladly pay a fine, go thru background checks and whatever else. Why is it so difficult to decide YES on this?
I guess keep on living illegally makes more sense, and so, more illegal things to come...
Our american government gives up on issues and sneaks out the back door.
We have a broken government .
We have a broken government.
We have a broken government.
I guess keep on living illegally makes more sense, and so, more illegal things to come...
Our american government gives up on issues and sneaks out the back door.
We have a broken government .
We have a broken government.
We have a broken government.
Monday, June 4, 2007
en excerpt from Many Lives, Many Masters:
"... Wisdom is achieved very slowly. This is because intellectual knowledge , easily acquired, must be transformed into 'emotional' knowledge. Once transformed, the imprint is permanent. Behavioral practice is the necessary catalyst of this reaction. Without action, the concept will wither and fade. Theoretical knowledge without practical application is not enough ..."
"... Wisdom is achieved very slowly. This is because intellectual knowledge , easily acquired, must be transformed into 'emotional' knowledge. Once transformed, the imprint is permanent. Behavioral practice is the necessary catalyst of this reaction. Without action, the concept will wither and fade. Theoretical knowledge without practical application is not enough ..."
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