Friday, July 11, 2008

a part for each.

This is a fragment from "What is Ascension?" found in the website"

Is It Real? If So, Am I Gonna Make It?
By David Wilcock 9/26/03
Is “all this Ascension stuff” for real, or is it just the imbecile fantasy of people deeply divorced from reality? Here is what the media never tells you, at least not all at once.
We all know that the Earth is experiencing global warming and other changes, whether the petroleum giants like it or not. Just read the headlines.
What we may NOT know is the following:
SUN: The Sun’s magnetic field is over 230 percent stronger now than it was at the beginning of the 1900s, and its overall energetic activity has sizably increased, creating a frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASA’s official predictions.
VENUS: Venus is now glowing in the dark, as is Jupiter’s moon Io.
EARTH: In the last 30 years, Earth’s icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. Quite inexplicably, just since 1997 the structure of the Earth has shifted from being slightly more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles. No one at NASA has even bothered to try to explain this yet.
MARS: The icecaps of Mars noticeably melted just within one year, causing 50-percent changes in surface features. Atmospheric density had risen by 200 percent above previous observations as of 1997.
JUPITER: Jupiter has become so highly energized that it is now surrounded by a visibly glowing donut tube of energy in the path of the moon Io. The size of Jupiter’s magnetic field has more than doubled since 1992.
SATURN: Saturn’s polar regions have been noticeably brightening, and its magnetic field strength increasing.
URANUS: According to NASA’s Voyager II space probe, Uranus and Neptune both appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts – 60 degrees for Uranus and 50 for Neptune.
NEPTUNE: Neptune has become 40 percent brighter in infrared since 1996, and is fully 100-percent brighter in certain areas. Also, Neptune’s moon Triton has had a “very large percentage increase” in atmospheric pressure and temperature, comparable to a 22-degree Fahrenheit increase on Earth.
PLUTO: As of September 2002, Pluto has experienced a 300-percent increase in its atmospheric pressure in the last 14 years, while also becoming noticeably darker in color.
Everything you have just read is referenced from mainstream media sources, and the full list of relevant links can be found within chapter eight of Divine Cosmos. The whole key to mass media control is to ensure that these facts are never seen all at the same time. It becomes “all too weird” once we add in the ever-increasingly stressful socio-political events on Earth, such as a “perpetual war against terrorism,” with the smirking Bush as Wild-West-Messiah-In-Chief playing “Bring ‘em On for Armageddon,” along with the fulfillment of many other ancient prophecies, including those of the Judeo-Christian Bible.
Here at, we have freely published a compelling scientific case for there being a Convergence, Shift of the Ages, dimensional shift or Ascension now underway. When this solar-system-wide process is complete, estimated to be within the timeframe of 2010-2013, we can expect an “Omega Point” event that is literally “beyond our wildest dreams.” The changes in the Solar System are only the more obvious and physical result of these changes, where the energy of consciousness itself is being upgraded, causing mass evolution to occur.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


When Gerdi smiles,
you feel ecstasy,
your chest expands,
with love, uncut.

When Gerdi smiles,
you run to him,
to hold that smile,
to take it everywhere,
as proof of happiness.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the printer

soft gray with a few dark spots
sleek design with bumpy areas
it works well when u treat it gently
if you overwork it, it jams up
it speaks only when you initiate conversation
it has buttons you can push
ink runs out, needs to be filled again
it has holes for breathing
u have to know how to work it
once u know, it's simple
each one is slightly different

Thursday, April 17, 2008

si peme

an adorable albanian music video...the only one maybe?! :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

amazing video about the brain

This is an 18 minute long piece on how the two halves of the human
brain work, told in a profoundly moving first-person story by a
Harvard research neurologist who had a stroke and lived to tell the
fascinating story.

You have probably never pictured what it means to have a stroke/hemoragji cerebrale. Here is it with more clarity than I ever thought possible. This is just too amazing to pass by.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

tired and sleepy at 12:30 am.

I will answer this questionnaire on my own terms. I might feel the need to answer some of the questions by pretending to be Japanese, like my co-workers. well, they don't pretend to be Japanese, they are. but they do have a "funny" accent and have trouble with the use of he/she etc. I like to make fun, sometimes. bad person.

1.Do you smoke ciggs? - I secondhand smoke. don't like being the center of attention, you know...

2. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks? - HAI.

3. Who's the last person that came to your house? - he is Evisa, my friend from back home with his husband.

4. Miss someone? - HAI. I have emotion for famiry.

5. Is there anyone you would like to fight? - no no no nooo. why fight. I rike everyone.

6. Do you like someone right now? - HAI. she is my boyfriend.

7. Song playing? - Will & Grace theme song. I'll be there for youuuu. no wait.

8. What are you doing tomorrow? - I go to work. I sit. I chew. I listen to people around me sneeze and talk in a strange language. they do that a lot. then haircut with new guy. Nigel. then, Norbit time. how *you* doin!!!

9. Do you know what tofu is? - HAI.

10. Have you ever eaten it? - Miso soup is very delicious.

11. Do you want to go back to middle school? - not especially.

12. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie? - nope.

13. What did you do yesterday? - watched some coverage of the presidential erection... ;)

14. Who did you ride in a car with last? - taxi driver... airport ride.

15. Are you tired? - sometimes.

16. Who were you with today/tonight? - me and Yoshino-san put in some quality time, as I have to train her to back me up at work. tonight, with my TV. wide dark and handsome.

17. Where is your mother right now? - oh boy...

18. What color socks do you have on? - brack.

19. What color is the shirt you are wearing? - t-shirt. comic relief.

20. Where is the best place you have ever visited? - I thought too long about this, so I'm not gonna answer it...

21. Do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls? - I've bought them for my cousins, and they like them, and I had a doll when I was little, and she didn't look much different than Barbie. I named her Aurora. I mean, I don't think it's that big of a deal. buy different kinds of dolls and let the kids decide...

22. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? - not too long. I wait 'til last minute to do it.

23. Does your family own any boats? - we had a gomone in the family, but of course that did not last long, and I never got to ride on it. :-(

24. Have you ever kissed your cat? - I don't have a cat. But I'm sure I've been nice to a few in my life.

25. Where were you when 9/11 happened? - New Jersey, getting ready for work...

26. Describe the computer you are currently using? - macbook. brack, and pretentious.

27. Have you been outside of the U.S.? - I *heart* international airports. You always feel cooler, or more sophisticated, than you really are. oops, maybe that's just moi.

28. The last text you received on your mobile was from? - Bon Bon. love and light.

30. Ever had a crush on a teacher? - yeah I'm sure, there was a music teacher with long hair. Mr. Roooland. he was the coolest in our high school. but unfortunately he wasn't into teenagers, but into cougars.

31. Do you wish at 11:11? - I guess I'll be the only one to say this. um. yes i do, sometimes. i was never gonna admit it, never thought anyone would ask such a direct question, but yes, I have. it's silly, but in our privacy we all do "silly" things.

32. contacts or glasses? - I used to wear blue lenses when I was 16 for like 6 months, and now my driver licence forever says blue eyes.

33. Next vacation you're going on? - albania. june. like moon.

34. Do you play any instruments? - others do it better.

35. Do you have any piercings? - ears. earring sensitive.

36. Last person you hugged? - ruru/lulu/bubu

37. In the last 24 hours what did you do? - don't like to consciously repeat myself.

38.Who/What made you angry today? - no anger issues today ;-)

39. Do you download music? - I download books. pretty cool actually.

40. Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally? - hmmm. not that I can recall.

41. Do you love anyone? - many. sometimes.

42. Have you ever bungee jumped? - ok, I did skydive. I never thought at that moment that I would be bragging about it so many times over the years... :)

43. Ever have an antfarm? - um no.

44. Do you find yourself loved? - sure, a little by a few.

45. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? - airport. on my senior year of high school we went to Florida with my class, and people took more than a dozen shots of me sleeping at the airport, on the airplane, and wherever people were buzzing. buzzing people gave me comfort, so I slept... but that was long ago...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Fear vs. Love

Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear, not simply those dealing with relationships.
Decisions affecting business, industry, politics, religion, the education of our young, the social agenda of our nations, the econimic goals of your society, choices involving war, peace, attack, defense, aggression, submission; determinations to covet or give away, to save or to share, to unite or to divide - every single free choice you ever undertake arises out of one of the only two possible thoughts there are: a thought of love or a thought of fear.
Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms.
Love is the eneergy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.

Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allws us to stand naked. Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.

Every human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other. You have no choice about this, because there is nothing else from which to choose. But you have free choice about which of these to select.

From: Conversations with God

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the quality of the steps you take...

I found this interesting:

Let’s say that you are a business person and after two years of intense stress and strain you finally managed to come out with a product or service that sells well and makes money. Success???!!! In conventional terms yes.
In reality you spend two years polluting your body as well as the earth with negative energy. You made yourself and everyone around you, miserable. And you affected many others you never even met. The opinion of the masses is that success is a future event, and the end justifies the means. But the end and the means are one. And if the means did not contribute to human happiness neither with the end. The outcome, already contaminated by the actions you took to get there, will create further unhappiness.
What the future holds for you depends on the steps you take now.

from: A New Earth.