Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Baby boy

You were born on August 16th at 5 am in Tirana. At 6 am I got a text message “Dear Bana, you are an Aunt”. You are named Gerd, like Gerd Myler the soccer player. Your mom and dad couldn’t decide on a name for you for a long time. Names were changing every week. Your mom liked Fjord, Kron, Dalin, Blini, I liked Viktor and Farris etc. Well, here we are dear Gerd. You were born 3.4 kilos, and your mom had to push you out for three hours. She was in a lot of pain, the natural way.

When I first saw your picture, you looked more like a girl, than a boy. Oh well, I’m allowed to say such things to your mom. She knows me well. I am tough on her, but I feel when others only call you “poor thing or, it must be tough” someone has to be the “bad guy” and poke you with a stick to do something.

In these first few days, you sleep a lot, and haven’t yet figured out how to latch on to your mom’s food. I hope only good things for you from here on out. Your mom says you’re a good quiet baby, (only fussing when you must), and very sensitive to any movement around you. I like that about you. Sensitive Gerd.

I can’t wait to see you and hug your small body, and make jokes with your mom, about any other traits you may have gotten from her. You and she are well loved by me.


akull-naja said...

So tender! Je te te gjate dhe te bukur!

Selfmaderadio said...

oh dear, this is such a moment, such a moment, I have no words to discribe it! All the best and good luck to him and his parents. Enjoy being an aunt. I would love to be an aunt too.

Bana said...

Akull-naja - sh. falemderit. akoma nuk me besohet, qe ai erdhi ne jete.

Selfmaderadio - falemderit per komentin. me ne fund mund te jap ca keshilla mbi edukimin e nje femije. :-)

belle_fleur said...

Oh teze Bana, kenaqesia me e madhe kur degjone te therrasin keshtu. Une e kam perjetuar prandaj dhe te them qe eshte dicka shume speciale!

Jete te gjate Gerdit dhe te rritet femije i shendetshem dhe i lumtur!

eni said...

oh te jete te gjate dhe te lumtur me tere te dashurit e vet afer!

Bana said...

thanks Belle. hajde te hame nje llokume.

Eni - thanks dear. mire do ishte ti kishte gjith te dashurit afer, por sic ka ardhur koha...

belle_fleur said...

mmmm...llokume me arra:)) Moj mos pret vizita meqe je bere teze ti:)) Ja me doli dhe nje vizite tjater se s'kisha gje ne agende:))

shqipo said...
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edrus said...

Bellë, urimet ja bëj vetë të zonjës së blogut: Me jetë të gjatë dhe plot shëndet nipçja, dhe sa më shpejt u shtoftë me djem tezesh :).
Po meqë ra llafi, Bellë, meqë unë s'kam mundësi, shto dhe një pako llokume nga unë kur të shkosh për vizitë (se ti jap lekët kur të takohemi :))))

belle_fleur said...

Ed, gjithe porosira je mer daj:)) S'te len i her rehat se do kesh noj kerkese apo pune per te kryer:))

Krasta Krau said...

jete te gjate nipçes Bane... duhet te jete gje e bukur te kesh nip....

Bana said...

falemderit Edrus!!! Belle, s'ka ardh akoma te me uroj, vjen dhe me merr libra vetem (jo se kam aq shume). merr merr merr :)

Krasta, kur ta shoh dhe ta perkedhel nipin, jam e sigurt qe do me pelqej jashte mase. por tani, vetem nje "uau" kam degju nga telefoni. nip me korrespodence.