Monday, November 19, 2007

To go back there...

Few drinks to slow down the mind.
Certain drugs to free you.
Moments of sex to slow it some more.
Some hours of tv.
To numb the mind

And the mind is back.
Where am I now:
below thought,
like a plant,
or an animal,
in harmony.

We all do it,
But this is not a human’s path.

I have very abrupt endings I know.
Inspired by "the power of Now"


eni said...

i love abrupt ends..sometimes all we need or deserve is this: abrupt!:)

like the way you write chicha!

Krasta Krau said...

Nice... vazhdo se ketej verdalle jemi dhe do te lexojme patjeter...

Bana said...

thanks Eni. I love how you owned up to the abrupt way. I tend to think the same way.

Krasta, falemderit, me behet qejfi.